Our Year in Review
Here are a few more family photos to enjoy! You can also read about some of our adventures in our blog section, or look back on past years.

2023 Highlights
Just a few things going with the Templetons. You can read the full blog here!
One of the greatest lessons we've learned in renovating the Pink House: Whatever issues may arise, take it seriously but do no over invest your emotions.
What happens when the foundation of a project (literally and metaphorically) shifts? Read the full story on the blog.
"About the Pink House & Other Random Thoughts"
From the perspective of a 5-year-old, our eldest daughter Kennedy offers her point of view on all the latest in the Templeton household. Read on the blog!
A little bit about the Templeton's family identity...
Chelsea and I have always talked about establishing a strong family identity. We felt it was important that our kids form identities around who God has made them to be and the principles and values that make our family unique. What are some of the things you’ve founded your family identity around? Read more on the blog.