Our Year in Review

Here are a few more photos to enjoy. You can also read about some of our adventures in our blog section. See 2021 here

2022 Highlights

Just a few things going with the Templetons. You can read the full blog here! Or check out last year.

Augustine Crist Templeton was born at 7:41 AM on July 10, 2022. 

If you know Auggie, you take note of his very joyful and content attitude. With two very busy daughters, we are so abundantly blessed by Auggie’s calm disposition. He sits back, watches and giggles at the girls all day. He is such a joy! Read the full birth story on the blog.

Honesty is obviously an important fundamental characteristic children must learn, but so is lightheartedness. 

Kennedy, our four year old, is currently navigating the line between these two traits. Read more about how we're learning to balance integrity with a good sense of humor on the blog.

“Pick your battles” is a lesson we quickly learned going from one kid to two kids. 

Having obedient children makes all of our lives easier. And of course the Bible warns parents, “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” But really, what does that even mean? Read about how we're navigating which battles to pick on the blog.
