Written by Chelsea Templeton
Finneas Matthew Templeton was born Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 10:33 PM. Our sweet little guy came 11 days past his due date. That morning was much like the four previous Sunday mornings—we went to church and everyone asked when the baby would come. I felt completely normal, as any nearly 42-week pregnant lady does—large and uncomfortable.
After church, we went home for a quick lunch followed by a 45-minute nap for me. As soon as I woke up (about 2:30 PM), I felt as if my water broke but was not 100% certain. Around 2:45 PM, I went to the garage to work out with Matt; he lifted weights and I walked on the treadmill. I started having light contractions shortly thereafter. I walked for two hours while the contractions got closer together and became increasingly intense. Matt finally convinced me to go inside to take a shower and get ready for the hospital. After getting ready, I was determined to stay home to walk the baby out a bit more. That was until all three of our other kids became very concerned during each passing contraction. Auggie kept asking, “You okay mommy?”
We decided everyone would be better off if I labored elsewhere. We headed to the hospital and were checked in by 5:33 PM. We settled in the room and were greeted by a resident and nurse coming to check on how far along I had progressed. I assured them that I wasn’t far along, as my contractions were still very manageable. Upon checking, the resident’s voice sounded amazed, “You’re ready! You are 10 centimeters dilated. You can start pushing any second.” Again, I assured her that was not possible. Then the nurse checked and confirmed that I was in fact only 3 centimeters dilated. Wouldn’t that have been nice if it was time to push, though? Well, it was not. Hours later though, the time did come. Being unmedicated is very helpful in knowing exactly when and when not to push. I yelled out to my OB, Dr. Jesy Joykutty, that I needed to push. Everything in me needed to push. And push I did. With two very focused pushes, Finneas Matthew arrived into the world! 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20 inches long. He is perfectly healthy and absolutely precious. We thank God for him!