December 4

Lessons Learned


Chelsea Templeton
One of my greatest takeaways from renovating the Pink House is—

Whatever issues may arise, take it seriously but do not over invest your emotions.

One of the last issues that comes to mind:

We walked the backyard, looked at the back of the house, and noticed that there were major cracks along the corners of the back, as if the backside of the house was collapsing. 

*Take it seriously but do not over invest your emotions.*

We immediately called our foundation guy; he came out the next day and reported that the house was indeed collapsing, but he could fix it. Upon seeing the house collapse, if we’d gotten upset and emotional: We already invested thousands of dollars to fix the foundation….How could this happen….We have people moving in this week—and on and on and on. 

We would have easily spun ourselves up unnecessarily, which in no way would aid our efforts in solving the problem. In situations like this, it’s best to remain level headed, wait for the professionals to tell you what the implications are, and then discuss the possible solutions. I’ve found with a little time, money and lots of prayer, most things will either be solved or forgotten. 

Currently we are waiting on the gas company to hook up gas for the entire house. Without it, the first floor cannot be heated, the oven will not work, and there is no hot water in the house. The gas company reports it could take 10-20 days to come out. Move in day was December 1. 

Take the situation seriously but do not over invest your emotions. Remain level headed.


Pink House, Renovations

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